Teresa McIntyre - What Is Kinesiology & How Do We Heal With It?
Tess is one of the experts that I have been drawn to learn from, she is a beautiful kinesiologist who has helped me along my healing journey in such profound ways. We speak about how we help ourselves to heal, being a professional practitioner, being in alignment with clients, the afterlife and changing our perspectives. We really get to know Tess and what she is about during this podcast. I have personally recommended her to numerous friends of mine since we met.
If you feel a calling to work with Tess you can get in contact via Body Mind Kinesiology
Email: bmkhealth@bigpond.com
Instagram: holisticwellbeingwithtess
Facebook: Heart and Mind Kinesiology
You Stephanie Clark from Magically Eccentric
Go to: www.magicallyeccentric.com
Email: magicallyeccentric@gmail.com
Phone: 0457 572 808
Instagram: magicallyeccentric
Facebook: Magically Eccentric
Currently based in Queensland, Australia.
If you feel to work with Clare Milner
Go to: www.mindbodysoulbalancing.com.au
If you feel called to have a tool made by Sharon Mendes
Her instagram is pebblles17
You can find me/support the podcast:
Website: www.beeseapod.com
Email: bec@beeseapod.com
Facebook: The BeeSea Podcast @beeseapod
Instagram: @beeseapod & @beeseatherapies
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beeseapod
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