E27 Katie B | Real Rebel Podcast - Remember Who You Are & Dealing With Life's Complexities

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This conversation was such a pleasure to have. I’m sorry it’s taken almost 2 years to release to you all. At the time of recording this I was going through some major life moments and to me I can hear it in my voice but I'm remaining transparent and posting it up anyway. I almost didn't. I spoke to Katie about possibly doing another one and she said she will leave it up to me, either way she will be happy. What an amazing guest. We have both evolved so much since this time but I felt there was still a lot of important conversation had and so here you go! xx Thank you for your patience.

We covered many topics in this episode but there was a through line of being kind to yourself, not judging yourself and allowing yourself to feel okay as you are. Being a human is a wild ride mannnn. To be okay in the mess of life, recognising that we are dying and striving to live our best lives.

When you are experiencing so much pain and darkness, you don’t need to fight it, you can learn to surrender to its lessons. No matter how long it goes on, you can do it!

Finding your people that can see you through what you’re experiencing, holding that space for you.

I can’t recommend Katie’s Podcast enough, she is such an incredibly loving human being. Her spiritual gifts are fine tuned each day and she processes her healing at rapid rates and transmutes the messages she receives for us and the collective.

This was before covid so there is no mention of it in this episode.

Thank you to Katie B and you can find her:
Instagram: @realrebelpodcast
Facebook: Real Rebel Podcast
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/realrebelpodcast
Website: https://www.realrebelpodcast.com
Patreon: Real Rebel Podcast
Email: katie@realrebelpodcast.com
Find her podcast on her website, apple podcasts, Spotify and everywhere you can get podcasts.

You can find me/support the podcast:
Email: bec@beeseapod.com
Facebook: The BeeSea Podcast @beeseapod & BeeSea @BeeSeaTherapies
Instagram: @beeseapod & @beeseatherapies
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beeseapod
YouTube: The BeeSea Podcast YouTube

A Tribute For Our New Book Rising Matriarch - Stories of Women Who Remembered Their Truth & Power

This is for all the Rising Matriarchs out there. 

A big thanks to Laura for saying “As long as there’s something to watch” as this was made for the Rising Matriarch book launch online festival. That comment gave me some great motivation to get creating again. 

A special mention to www.pexels.com for all of the beautiful free stock footage. Links down below.

Photos will be found in the show notes over at www.beeseapod.com under 'Podcast Episodes' tab.

You can find Katie B (first speaker):
Website: http://realrebelpodcast.com/
Instagram: @realrebelpodcast

You can find Niamh (second speaker):
Website: www.fairylandcottage.com
YouTube: www.YouTube.com/fairylandcottage
Instagram: @fairylandcottage

You can find Eesha Patel (third speaker):
Website: http://www.eeshapatel.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/eeshapatel777
Fan Page: www.facebook.com/eeshapatel11
Group Page: www.facebook.com/groups/eeshapatel 
Instagram: @eeshapatel

You can find Nanice (fourth speaker):
Website: www.nanice.com
Email: nanice@nanice.com

You can find me/support the podcast:
Website: www.beeseapod.com
Email: bec@beeseapod.com
Facebook: The BeeSea Podcast @beeseapod & BeeSea @BeeSeaTherapies
Instagram: @beeseapod & @beeseatherapies
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beeseapod
YouTube: The BeeSea Podcast YouTube

Music in the podcast:
Intro music by TranXista & myself.
The rest of the music is created by me.

Credit stock footage:


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E25 A Personal Share With a Bonus at the End. Words from Aisha Priya.

Link to podcast click Here.
To download MP3 click Here.

I just wanted to give you an explanation as to why I have taken so much time away from the Podcast. 

2020 has indeed been a big year with big stuff happening for all of us, not to take away anything from you, I just finally felt ready to share a few personal stories. 

It's a very scary thing for me to do but I'm keen to see where it takes me on my own personal growth journey. Please feel free to reach out and send me an email with anything that you'd like to share.

Aisha Priya works with people one on one and in groups. She has shared a beautiful message for these times we are currently facing and I've included this at the end. 

You can find Aisha:
Email: Aishamedicine@gmail.com
Facebook: Aisha Priya

You can find/support me:
Website: www.beeseapod.com
Email: bec@beeseapod.com
Facebook: The BeeSea Podcast @beeseapod
Instagram: @beeseapod & @beeseatherapies
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beeseapod

Music in the podcast:
Intro music from TranXista

The rest of the music is created by me.

E24 Belinda Cox - Noongar Chant

Link to podcast click Here.
To download MP3 click Here.

Belinda Cox is a Noongar woman, an artist, an entrepreneur, a speaker and so much more!
Bel makes authentic Noongar smoking smudge sticks from native WA plants and flowers. Along with making an integrated holistic medicinal oil system. Based on old knowledge of plants which aids in healing mind, body and soul.

The Woola Chant is a Noongar celebration chant. It raises good energy for people and it's very grounding as well.

You can find Bel:
Website: https://www.waitoc.com/culture-experiences/tours-experiences/directory/djillary-dreaming-feather-dreaming
Email: bel22xx@outlook.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Djirrily.Dreaming
Instagram: @djirrily 

You can find me:
Website: www.beeseapod.com
Email: bec@beeseapod.com
Facebook: The BeeSea Podcast @beeseapod
Instagram: @beeseapod & @beeseatherapies
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beeseapod

E23 Bob Cooper - Bush Survival, Learning The Ways Of The Land

Link to podcast click Here.
To download MP3 click Here.

Bob Cooper is a Survival Instructor and has been for over 30 years. He runs various survival courses throughout the year and the world travelling and sharing the collective knowledge he's learnt. 

Have some water handy! You'll get thirsty!!

Check out the courses Bob is running on his website. You will feel extremely accomplished and proud of yourself after completing any of them.

You can find Bob:
Website: https://www.bobcoopersurvival.com
Email:  info@bobcoopersurvival.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bobcooperoutbacksurvival/

You can find me:
Website: www.beeseapod.com
Email: bec@beeseapod.com
Facebook: The BeeSea Podcast @beeseapod
Instagram: @beeseapod & @beeseatherapies
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beeseapod

Music in the podcast:
Intro music from TranXista

E22 Podcast Update - Why I Took A Break

Link to podcast click Here.
To download MP3 click Here.

Just a short update as to why I haven't uploaded a podcast in so long.

Please take care of yourselves, lots of love.

Bec xx

You can find me:
Website: www.beeseapod.com
Email: bec@beeseapod.com
Facebook: The BeeSea Podcast @beeseapod
Instagram: @beeseapod & @beeseatherapies
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beeseapod