
E24 Belinda Cox - Noongar Chant

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Belinda Cox is a Noongar woman, an artist, an entrepreneur, a speaker and so much more!
Bel makes authentic Noongar smoking smudge sticks from native WA plants and flowers. Along with making an integrated holistic medicinal oil system. Based on old knowledge of plants which aids in healing mind, body and soul.

The Woola Chant is a Noongar celebration chant. It raises good energy for people and it's very grounding as well.

You can find Bel:
Website: https://www.waitoc.com/culture-experiences/tours-experiences/directory/djillary-dreaming-feather-dreaming
Email: bel22xx@outlook.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Djirrily.Dreaming
Instagram: @djirrily 

You can find me:
Website: www.beeseapod.com
Email: bec@beeseapod.com
Facebook: The BeeSea Podcast @beeseapod
Instagram: @beeseapod & @beeseatherapies
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beeseapod