E06 Erin Nota - Headbutts, Bowen, Yoga, Martial Arts, I'm Not Your Guru

Link to the Podcast Click Here.

Erin and I chat about moderation, Bowen therapy, martial arts, storing emotions within the body, self awareness and so much more. Erin also gives us all some tips with movement, health and wellbeing... Even how to headbutt properly ;)

If you'd like to get in contact with Erin for appointments please go to: 

Website - www.erinnota.com

Facebook and Instagram - erinnotamovementtherapy 

Email - erinnotamovementtherapy@gmail.com

Face painting Facebook - The Place of Face

We also give shout outs to my naturopath Dennis at Vander Kraats & Associates 291 Warwick Rd, Greenwood WA, 94477868

Carlos Tao his Instagram is @carlostaomovement 

And as always you can contact me Bec Cameron @beeseapod on Instagram and Facebook and email bec@beeseapod.com